Mehi Mobile Veterinary Services


quality of life



Quality of Life

“How do I know when it’s time?” 

These steps may help you in making the decision about euthanasia.

  • Speak with your veterinarian. While they cannot make the decision for you, let them know that you are considering euthanasia.

  • Make note of how your pet looked and behaved prior to becoming ill. Sometimes changes are gradual, and therefore hard to recognize. Looking at past photos or videos of your pet can be helpful..

  • Mark your pet's good and bad days on the calendar - see link below. (A happy or sad face for good or bad, or a scale of 1-10, or any method you prefer.) If/when the bad days start to outweigh the good, it may be time to discuss euthanasia.

  • Think of three to five things your pet has normally enjoyed. When your pet is no longer able to enjoy these things, it may be time to discuss euthanasia. A more thorough assessment can be made using the questionnaire and resources linked below.

Use the Quality of Life questionnaire to assess your pet's current state of wellness.

Print this calendar to help track changes in your pet's health.

BEAP Pain Scale for dogs    BEAP Pain Scale for cats
(Credit: Dr. Shea Cox)

Feline Facial Expressions
(Credit: University of Montreal)

Helping Children Cope With the Serious Illness or Death of a Companion Animal
(Credit: The Ohio State University

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